Lines of Research

Lines of Research


Linguistic Studies:

1 - Language, Speech, and Society:

Description, analysis, and discussion of different research methods in Linguistics. Description and functioning of texts/discourses. Analysis of the constitution of institutionalized and ordinary discourses. Relations between language and society, with speech in real context and its interfaces with the social aspects of speakers as objects of study.

 2 - Applied Linguistics:

The line addresses research with multi/inter/transdisciplinary approaches in the area of language in both school and non-school contexts.


Literary Studies:

1 - Literature, History, and Cultural Memory:

Relations between literature, history, and memory, including studies of universal works and non-canonical texts. Studies that focus on literature and society in the face of historical and cultural evolution. Studies of the relations of production, circulation, and consumption of literary works.

 2 - Poetics of Modernity:

Studies on the poetics of modernity in its various manifestations, bringing together 20th-century literary production in its diverse genres. Analysis of works constituted as canon, as well as those considered peripheral. Study of literature in contemporaneity, observing the multiplicity of languages, the plurality of theoretical approaches, and the various critical tendencies.