Program Objectives

Program Objectives


Main goal:

• To educate teachers to be capable of meeting the challenges of education, for the practice of teaching in the field of Languages, in Basic Education and University Education, and to contribute to the development of research that promotes the advancement of knowledge, with scientific competence and social responsibility.


Specific goals:

• To provide the construction of knowledge in order to respond to the social, theoretical, and methodological challenges in the field of education, language, and society, providing teachers and students with theoretical and methodological subsidies that can contribute to overcoming educational problems.

• To encourage the development and strengthening of the Program's research lines, with a view to carrying out research that meets local, regional, and national needs.

• To create mechanisms for the dissemination of the works produced by the Program's teachers and students

• To provide mechanisms for equalizing scientific knowledge in the field of Languages and for valuing cultural productions in Mato Grosso do Sul and Brazil.


Egress Profile:

The professionals who graduate from the Post-graduation Program in Languages are qualified for interdisciplinary research in different fields of Linguistics or Literature, focusing on the functioning of language in its different perspectives and interfaces. They work in basic and fundamental education, university teaching, research, university extension, development of policies to promote reading in public and private organizations and institutions, pedagogical guidance with a focus on reading in different curricular disciplines, reflection, planning and production of content in different media devices, and production and execution of cultural projects, as well as in activities in related fields such as Speech Therapy, Social Work, Sociology, Philosophy, Psychoanalysis, History, and Social Communication.